The Success Puzzle by Dick Kelsey

The Success Puzzle by Dick Kelsey August 21, 2014

The Success Puzzle by Dick Kelsey

Being successful in life is like a puzzle. When the pieces fit together, it allows one to experience the kind of fruitful, fulfilling life that makes God smile. In The Success Puzzle, pastor Dick Kelsey shares basic principles the Bible sets forth as essential to being successful and accompanying anecdotes that allow a glimpse into his personal experiences and choices that eventually led him to realize God’s potential for his own life As Kelsey details the story of his life, interspersed with applicable quotes and Scripture, he reveals ways to discover God’s will, develop a positive mental attitude, set long and short-range goals, make work enjoyable, develop initiative and exercise self-discipline, turn problems into opportunities, and manage your time well. Our attitude determines our altitude in life. The Success Puzzle provides spiritually driven guidance that can help anyone hoping to find their purpose, apply God’s principles, and ultimately achieve a happy, fulfilling life.

Kelsey admits that the research for the book comes primarily from the research of Napoleon Hill. He references Scripture when appropriate, but at times, he seems to lean too much on Hill’s ideas. This is perhaps the only downside to the book. Kelsey admits to the need for hard work in order for true success to occur (2). He defines biblical success as finding and fulfilling God’s plan for your life. He states that if you get to know God, then you will know His will. I will add that once you know God, and know God’s will, discovering God’s plan will happen too. Kelsey believes that a positive mental attitude (which he roots in the principles of Philippians 4) are the basis for success (10). Positive thoughts, positive friends, and positive actions are the ways to keep a positive mental attitude. He shares the need for making  a business plan or setting goals to accomplish positive work (18).

The best advice that Kelsey gives is about the attitude toward work. He says that if you can’t find a job, make your own job (21). There are all kinds of work to be done if you look for it. People may not pay you for it, but they will appreciate it. It helps keep you busy, it builds contacts and it contributes to society. He follows the chapter on work with a chapter on initiative (24). I believe that these two chapters were the best insights in the entire book about success. However, he cited no scriptures about initiative and being proactive. One wonders if the Bible has anything to say about that.

The book continues share steps to other principles for success including: self-discipline, persistence, enthusiasm, friendships, money management (in which he recommends Dave Ramsey and his resources to get out of debt). He then talks about turning problems into opportunities and dealing with failure as part of growing to be successful. He also stresses the need for time management. Finally, he ends with the importance of reading books (especially biographies) and learning to be successful during different seasons of life. He ends with two chapters giving a biblical exposition of Psalm 1 and the story of Joseph. They seemed to have been tacked on the end as an afterthought. However, I am glad he shared his insights.

Overall, this small book by Kelsey would be a good primer for understanding the principles of success. I would recommend the book for people who would like to read about success as a Christian, or even in the business. Dick Kelsey is now executive director and chief operating officer of the Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.


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