X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) April 27, 2015

x-men: days of future past (2014)

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)



The X-Men join forces with their younger selves in order to change the past and save mankind’s future as well as their own. Wolverine is sent into the past to help prevent the development of Sentinels, robots designed to destroy the mutants. Magneto and Professor Xavier must work together to change history.


Fear of Differences

The plot surrounds around humanity’s fear of people who are different. In this case, mutants are the people who are different. The Bible teaches that man has always been against each other. Genocide has occurred because one group did not like other people who were different than themselves. The Bible teaches that because God’s people are different, many people will hate them for it. In essence, the Christian people are like the mutants. We are different than people in the world. We are called to be in the world but not of the world. We are called to be different. Unlike the movie, we show that we are different by the way we love one another as Christians (John 13:34-35).


The mutants must unite to prevent their own destruction. In this case, Magneto must team up with Dr. Xavier (who are against each other) to prevent the destruction of people like themselves. All of the mutants must work together in both the past and the future to save their kind from the Sentinels sent to destroy them.

As Christians, the Bible teaches very clearly that we should work in unity to build each other up (Ephesians 4:16). There are going to be times when we help one another. The Bible teaches that we are called to help each other as co-workers to spread the Gospel to the world. Jesus had many disciples who worked together. The apostle Paul had many co-workers when he went around planting new churches. The best way to get God’s work done is through teamwork.

Even though the world may hate Christians and fear the message, God has called each Christian to work together to further expand His kingdom.



Hope is a constant theme in this film. Professor Xavier needs hope in order to participate and help save the future. The Bible teaches that Jesus is our hope. He will help save our future (Colossians 1:27, Titus 2:13, 1 Peter 1:13).


  1. How do you deal with differences? How does Christ’s command to love one another help us with our fear of other people?
  2. Jesus used a team of disciples. The church is made to build one another up. How does teamwork accomplish what the church is supposed to do? How does this teamwork tie into the command of Jesus to love one another?
  3. In the film, the future Dr. Xavier encourages the younger Dr. Xavier to have hope. Who is our hope? How will our hope save the future?

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