Earth Rhythms Summer SolstiCelebration

Earth Rhythms Summer SolstiCelebration June 27, 2009

Pictures from today’s Egyptian Summer Solstice ritual at White Rock Lake. Denton CUUPS was the opening ceremony for the Earth Rhythms day-long celebration. Thanks to Cathy for serving as photographer.

Stephanie from Yew Grove CUUPS counted 140 people watching the ritual.

The opening invocations


Livvy speaks as Michi makes an appeasement offering to Set – sand from Giza.


Michi speaks an invocation.
Ashley speaks an invocation.
Vocal Magic watches the ritual and waits to sing.
Thoth begins the story of how Horus avenged his father and became King of Egypt.
Set and Horus battle for the throne of Egypt.
Isis gives her son the wadjet, containing all her protective magics.
Horus and Set wait for the judgment of Thoth.
Isis gives Horus the crown of his father.
A Summer Solstice blessing.
Vocal Magic

Vocal Magic sings
Vocal Magic sings
The Recession of Horus
The Recession of Horus
“We close the door, we set the seal”

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