
Thanksgiving November 25, 2010
I try to be thankful every day.  Despite too-frequent annoyances, difficulties, and stress, I have a pretty good life.  Some of that is due to hard work and persistence, but mainly it’s due to when and where I was born, to the family who gave me a good start, to the teachers who taught me, to the community that supported the teachers, and many people I don’t know and will never meet. 
It could have been otherwise.  For many people, it is.  Am I more deserving than them?
Practicing gratitude reminds me that so much of my life is out of my control and that so much of what I enjoy comes by Grace. 
And so on this national day of thanksgiving, I thank my family and friends, who have given me so much.  I thank those who do their part to keep our country going, who make it work.  I thank those who defend this country, even as I pray that the wars will end.  I thank those who work to make our nation and our world more fair, more just, and more compassionate. 
I thank the deities who speak to me and whose patience with me is truly divine.
I thank Life itself that there is something rather than nothing. 
And I thank all of you who read this blog and who occasionally offer your feedback.  This is spiritual development done in public, a work in progress.  You listen, and you help me refine my beliefs and practices.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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