No Unsacred Place

No Unsacred Place April 5, 2011

If you really pay attention you may have noticed a change in the blog roll earlier today. The new addition is No Unsacred Place, a new blog on “Earth and Nature in Pagan Traditions.” It’s part of the Pagan Newswire Collective and it will cover religion, spirituality and the environment from a Pagan perspective.

I’ll be blogging there once a week or so, plus I’ll be writing a monthly column titled “The Sacred in Suburbia”. Suburbs have a rather bad reputation in Pagan, environmental and progressive circles… much of that reputation is deserved, but as with anything or any place, they’re a mixture of good and bad. But a lot of people live there – people we need to connect with, not isolate.

My approach will not be to sing the praises of suburbia, but rather to help people who live in suburbs (whether by choice, by necessity, or by some combination of the two) form and maintain connections to Nature and the Spirits of Nature. The perfect is the enemy of the good – I want to help people to focus on doing what they can where they can and not feel like there’s nothing they can do because they live in the “wrong” neighborhood.

My first column is titled “Connecting to Nature” and it was posted earlier this evening.

I hope you’ll make “No Unsacred Place” a part of your regular reading.

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