From Patheos, here’s an essay by Crystal Blanton titled “The Gods That Choose You.” It details her experience with Yemaya, an African deity who chose her. In Crystal’s words:
One day I was walking a path that I thought led to Cerridwen and the next day there were obvious signs being presented that I was now a daughter of Yemaya and that was just the way it is.
Crystal’s experience is similar to my own. I was introduced to Paganism through Wicca, but Wicca didn’t exactly grab me. When I discovered Druidry, I knew I had found my path. As I read the Celtic myths and studied the Celtic pantheon I assumed I would work with Lugh. While I am certainly no Master of All Arts, I do have a wide range of interests and skills – Lugh seemed like a good fit for me. When the CUUPS Beltane Circle called for participants to “come dressed as your favorite god” I picked Lugh.
Then a close friend brought this pendant back from England for me. I had given her some money and asked her to bring me a t-shirt – she brought this instead. At first we didn’t know who it was, but shortly after I started wearing it I discovered it was Cernunnos, and that the artwork comes from the Gundestrup Cauldron.
Cernunnos chose me, even though I don’t seem like a good fit for him. He’s a very old, very primal god; I’m not likely to be seen running wild through the forest. I have my guesses as to why he called me, but guesses are all they are. Regardless of why, the relationship has been beneficial to me – I trust he can say the same thing.
I’ve had people ask “how do you find your patron deity?” The short answer is that you don’t find them, they find you. It helps if you’re looking – reading the lore of likely pantheons, spending time regularly in meditation and prayer, making offerings and working rituals. It’s like dating – you’re looking for someone you find attractive (whatever qualities you consider “attractive”), but at the same time you’re trying to make yourself as attractive as possible. Show that you’re interested and that you’re willing to make a commitment.
It is rare – though not completely unheard of – for a deity to call / claim / choose someone who is unwilling. If that happens to you, give it some serious thought. There may be things you can only learn from this particular goddess or god, or she or he may need something only you can provide. And while my experience has been that most gods and goddesses are respectful of our freedom, a few don’t handle rejection well. Read their stories before you decide to say no.
You may think you know who you’re best suited for – a few people are actually right. But there are many stories like Crystal’s and like mine. I’ll give Crystal the last word:
I stand here today in complete confidence that my Gods chose me and they will lead me to the many different paths that I need to follow. And until that time presents where they no longer require service from me, I will be a child of Yemaya and serve the great, dark mother of the water and of all things within my world.