Teaching, Pagan Pride Day, and Videos

Teaching, Pagan Pride Day, and Videos July 12, 2013

I have several short announcements to make, so I’m combining them into one post.

Introduction to Modern Pagan Religion.

Next Saturday, July 20, I’ll be co-leading Denton CUUPS’ Introduction to Modern Pagan Religion class. We run this class about once a year – it’s designed for those who’ve done some beginning work in Wicca, Druidry, or another Pagan tradition and who are looking for some live teaching to compliment their solitary work, as well as for those who are curious about Paganism and want to hear about it from people who’ve been doing it for a while.

This will be the fourth time Cynthia Talbot and I have led this class. We usually make a few adjustments to our presentation, but this time we’ve completely reworked the middle section based on John Halstead’s Centers of Paganism model. This should help us do a better job of comparing and contrasting the roles of witchcraft, polytheism, and environmental religion in the modern Pagan movement.

If you’re in the North Texas area next Saturday, come join us.

DFW Pagan Pride 2013

After a two year absence, there will be a Pagan Pride Day in the Dallas – Fort Worth area this year. A collection of local Pagans led by Bryan Lankford is working now on lining up presentations, entertainment, vendors, and rituals.

It will be held at The Bath House at White Rock Lake in Dallas on Saturday, October 5th. That’s a great location – beautiful surroundings, easy to get to (although nothing is close to everyone in a place as sprawling as North Texas), plenty of parking, access to transit, and unlike the last two locations, plenty of walk-up traffic. Pagan Pride Day is supposed to be a public gathering, and in this area White Rock Lake is about as good as it gets for that.

Keep an eye on the website and follow the Facebook page for further details.


If you look at the menu below the Under the Ancient Oaks header picture, you’ll see a new option: videos. I’ve combined all my videos onto one page. There are three sermons and two stories. I’ll update this page as more videos are done, but I’m not in front of a camera very often.

That’s all for this week!

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