Here’s the second episode of Under the Ancient Oaks, the video series. Cynthia Talbot and I discuss land spirits and spirits of place and how we can relate to them.
The only negative comments I got on the first video concerned the audio quality. For that one, I used the internal microphone on my DSLR camera. Most video websites talk about the need for an external microphone, but it was my first try and I wanted to use what I had. Indoors it might have been OK, but even without the super loud bird it’s just not good enough outdoors. So before I recorded this episode, I got an external mic – a Rode VideoMic Pro R for all you geeks out there who care about such things. The sound in this episode is much better.
I’m still learning video production on the fly. I’m not going to critique my own work (not in public, anyway), but there are things in this video I’ll do differently next time.
At the end of the day, though, this isn’t about creating a “professional” video. It’s about using video to communicate Pagan concepts and idea.
Future Episodes
After this, there are two more episodes in the initial trial run of four. If they go over well, I’ll make it a regular thing. I’m going to stick with a monthly schedule – I want the videos to be an enhancement to the blog and the book, and not get in the way of writing.
Upcoming Appearances
Pixie’s Intent
Houston, Texas
book signing and workshop “The Dark Side of Druidry”
July 29, 2017 – 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Unitarian Fellowship of Houston
Houston, Texas
UU Sunday service “Worshipping Fearsome Gods”
July 30, 2017 – 11:00 AM
Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Denton, Texas
UU Sunday Service “Religion and Bad Assumptions”
August 13, 2017 – 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM
Beyond the Gates
Trout Lake Abbey, Washington
workshop: “Paganism and Bad Assumptions”
August 24-27, 2017
Southern New Hampshire Pagan Pride Day
Manchester, New Hampshire
workshops: “Paganism and Bad Assumptions” and “Daily Spiritual Practice for Pagans”
September 9, 2017