September 25, 2018

Your main thing isn’t everyone else’s main thing. People who try to manipulate others into supporting their causes are behaving exactly like street corner preachers who are certain everybody who doesn’t believe like them is going to hell. You don’t have to listen to them. Read more

September 23, 2018

Xenophanes said that horses would worship Gods that look like horses. But some of our Gods are not in our image. What does it mean that some deities have chosen to reveal Themselves in other-than-human form? Read more

September 20, 2018

We’ve all heard someone say “funerals are for the living.” No. This is sacrilege. This is a Protestant and humanist idea that has no place in Paganism and polytheism. Funerals are for the community, which includes both the living and the dead. Read more

September 18, 2018

Taking oaths is among the most serious and most personal of personal religious decisions you’ll ever have to make – I can’t tell you what to do. But I can tell you I’ve sworn oaths to three different deities and I’m glad I did. Read more

September 16, 2018

Many traditional activities for Mabon are designed for large groups, but many Pagans are solitary practitioners, either by choice or by necessity. Here are eight things you can do to celebrate the Autumn Equinox as a solitary. Read more

September 13, 2018

I have a message for those who feel the call to mystical and ecstatic practice, and for those who are contemplating taking an oath to a deity: if you can do anything else, do it. Their ways are not our ways. Read more

September 11, 2018

The name of the Autumn Equinox has changed many times, and it can change again. But if it does, it will be because enough people flock to a new name, not because Mabon gets shouted down on the internet. Read more

September 9, 2018

Dr. Dean Radin’s new book presents case after case of experimental evidence that magic is real. The fact that it is not turning the scientific establishment upside down isn’t because it’s fraudulent or lacks scientific rigor, but because what it proves can’t be easily exploited for profit. Read more

September 6, 2018

Travel is good in and of itself. Pilgrimage is sacred travel, for a sacred purpose. If you are called to pilgrimage, I strongly encourage you to say yes. Read more

September 4, 2018

Will climate change and a Mad King drive us into a new Dark Age? I do not think so. But both the ordinary world and the Otherworld are changing. Those who pay attention and who learn to navigate the new reality will do well. Those who cling to the way things have always been will suffer greatly. Read more

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