I Cried Today

I Cried Today November 4, 2008

I cried today—which, for me, is like a vulture saying, “I tried tofu today.” I use my tear ducts so rarely I wasn’t even sure I still have them. But there I was, standing in my little voting booth this morning, staring at the words, “Barak Obama and Joe Biden.” And suddenly I was seeing through water.

The constant, overwhelming emotions I feel about this election have virtually nothing to do with politics. They have instead everything to do with sheer fact that, in the year of our Lord 2008, a black man might very well be elected president of the United States of America.

I never thought such a thing could happen in my lifetime. And whether or not Obama actually wins the election isn’t even almost the point. The point is that he’s gotten as close as he has.

Again: Not about politics. About history. About the final triumph of right.

I tell you, I am feeling the joy of God’s own light tonight.

(Related pieces o’ mine: Praise God: A Politician Finally Said Something Real About Racism and Top 5 Things Modern Racists Say.


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