June 2, 2014

I began a discussion on Eastern Orthodoxy, giving some of the history and basic differences between the Eastern and Western church. This is the first part in a series of shows that will deal with the unique teachings of the Eastern Church. Here is the program Read more

June 2, 2014

On today’s program I was joined by Dr. Joel Biermann, associateprofessor of systematic theology at Concordia Theological Seminary inSt. Louis. We discussed the controversy surrounding “two kinds ofrighteousness” and its place in Lutheran theology. Here is the program Read more

June 2, 2014

On today’s program I answered a listener question about limited atonement in the history of the church. I discussed the early church, the middle ages, and the Reformation. I made the argument that limited atonement is absent from the early and medieval church with the exception of Thomas Gottschalk. Here is the program Read more

June 2, 2014

On today’s program I addressed the movement known as the “New Perspective on Paul.” I gave an overview of the movement, detailing the views of the four major figures: Krister Stendahl, E.P. Sanders, James Dunn, and N.T. Wright.  I gave a brief critique of the major ideas involved in the movement, and pointed to helpful resources. Here is the program. Read more

June 2, 2014

I was joined by Daniel Price of Boars in the Vineyard to discuss a recent argument against a Lutheran view of baptism by Pr. JD Hall on his program Pulpit and Pen. Here is the program. The article Hall critiqued is found here Andrew Taylor has written a helpful three part response: Part 1                Part 2                Part 3 Read more

June 2, 2014

I was joined by Fr. David Graves of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Wartburg, Tennessee to discuss St. Francis of Assisi. We discussed Francis’ life, misconceptions about him, and how he is important for the contemporary church. Here is the program. Read more

June 2, 2014

On this week’s program, I did a follow up to the Michael Brown interview with Pastor Daniel Price. We talked about Pastor Price’s history in the charismatic movement, his transition into Lutheranism, and some worries we have about contemporary charismatic theology and practice. Here is the program. Read more

June 2, 2014

I was going to wait until next week to upload my latest podcast, but due to all of the controversy surrounding Dr. Brown’s recent appearance on Benny Hinn’s program, I thought it would be better to release it right away. I talked with Dr. Brown about the charismatic movement, the reasoning behind his appearance on Benny Hinn, and many other topics. Here is the program. And be sure to listen to our follow up program next week! Read more

June 2, 2014

On today’s program I did another discussion on Dispensationalism, dealing specifically with the teaching of a secret rapture and premillennialism. I demonstrated that the texts used in support of a secret rapture teach the opposite, and that Revelation 20 does not necessitate a premillennial reading.Here is the program. Read more

June 2, 2014

On today’s program, I addressed the Mark Driscoll fiasco and the underlying issues of celebrity culture within evangelicalism. I addressed the recent controversies surrounding both Mark Driscoll and Ergun Caner, and how they reflect a dangerous ecclesiology inherent in contemporary evangelicalism. Here is the program Read more

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