The World at his fingertips, the world above his bed

The World at his fingertips, the world above his bed July 6, 2012

Above Eliot’s crib hangs a large white canvas, decorated with fabric that outlines the world’s continents. In the ocean spaces notes are written to Eliot welcoming him into the world, declaring the joy abounding at birth, sweet voices of excitement and promises of God’s faithfulness bursting from the surface. My best friend Meg made this for us at a baby shower while Eliot was still in my belly, making me round with anticipation (and a little bit of exhaustion).

We decided before he was born that we wanted his room to be decorated with globes and world maps, blues, greens, and browns to mimic the tones of nature. I made him a mobile with three small globes dangling, spinning in orbit with the motion of this small space–his small world.

As Eliot has grown, nearly eight months old now, I look around his small quarters and remember the excitement of preparing it; I remember the promises we made each other to teach him about the world, to show him that there is peace and beauty in the deep, beautiful places of this created Earth.

On our anniversary, Travis and I sat at BHK with Eliot and talked about our future dreams, the dreams for our children and our family. I told him about my Pinterest adventures, about the photos  you can travel through on the computer screen. I told him I was going to start praying. Surely God would allow us to see more of His creation. Surely, if I ask, He will find a way to move our little bodies across highways and waters so we may see for ourselves just how incredible He is. Surely, He will take joy in putting His very own glory on display, His creation baffling His creation.

So, I pray for that now, more earnestly than I have ever prayed for it. And in hopes of seeing bits and pieces here and there, I want Eliot to begin the journey from his bedroom, from our living room, the driveway, the neighborhood, this city. I want languages to draw him in, colors and seasons to pull him like a magnet to the vastness of nature.

May his dreams be filled with snapshots of this particular beauty. Even now, may he become an explorer of creation and Creator.

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