Capturing the Wonder and Mystery of the Mass (Video)

Capturing the Wonder and Mystery of the Mass (Video) May 16, 2015


Recently, I wrote a blog post about the exploding world of online video, about how there are tools available now to both professional and amateur videographers and filmmakers that allow them to create beautiful, sophisticated clips — and that these videos could be the most powerful weapons in the war for souls called the New Evangelization.

Then, lo and behold, up on my Facebook page pops a 2014 video by Chris Stefanick of, a excerpt from his confirmation series, “Chosen,” talking about the importance and glory of the Mass.

It even has Pope Francis in it.

There are more at his Website, and YouTube channel, like this one:


All I can say is — more of this, lots more. Every force arrayed against us knows the power of narrative, of using stories and images to stir emotions and build sympathies. There is no reason we can’t do the same.

Short video clips are powerful, shareable and memorable. Whatever we’re doing — and I know there are people out there working hard on this — it’s not enough. The day one of our videos gets as many hits as a cat sitting in a sink, then we’re on to something.

Image: Screenshot, Chris Stefanick: “Mass”

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