All Souls: A Personal Prayer for the Faithful Departed

All Souls: A Personal Prayer for the Faithful Departed November 2, 2015


Prayer for the Faithful Departed

By Kate O’Hare

“My God, my God,

Why have You forsaken Me?”

From the depths of Your Passion, sweet Christ,

You cried unto the Father.

From the depths of our grief

We cry unto You.

With wounded hearts,

Empty arms,

We cry unto You.

For the souls of our beloved departed,

Purifying in Purgatory,

Especially those whose wounds most need Your healing mercy,

We cry unto You.

For the faithful souls in Heaven,

Who gaze upon Your face,

But whose faces are beyond our sight,

We cry unto You.

For the innocent who never drew breath,

We cry unto You.

For those unrecorded and unremembered

Except in Your Sacred Heart,

We cry unto You.

For those who did not look to You in life,

Who lived the life of the world

With no thought of the life to come,

We cry unto You.

Oh, Blessed Lord, the Alpha and the Omega,

The source and destination of our souls,

We beg your grace for the living and the dead,

For the sake of the world,

We cry unto You.

Grant them eternal rest, Lord,

And let perpetual light shine upon them.

Kyrie, eleison,

Christe, eleison,

Kyrie eleison.


Image: Kate O’Hare

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