The Norbertines’ ‘City of Saints’ Hits EWTN on Jan. 8

The Norbertines’ ‘City of Saints’ Hits EWTN on Jan. 8 January 6, 2018

City-of-Saints-Norbertines-EWTN“City of Saints” may feature short films, but they deal with big issues.

Last year, the Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey, headquartered in Southern California’s Orange County, released “City of Saints,” a series of short Web videos that featured priests of the order dealing with individuals that come to them for help — each illustrating a faith or social issue, which is then related to a saint.

For example, stories include: a lost gang member, Alex, (“The Good Thief,” profiles: Fr. Norbert and St. Dismas); a Vietnamese immigrant (“The Refugee,” Fr. Pascal and St. Pascal); a surfer blinded in an accident (“The Blind Prayer,” Fr. Claude and St. Norbert); a young unwed pregnant woman, abandoned by the father (“The Unexpected Gift,” Fr. Norbert again and St. John Paul II); and of a boy suffering bullying from classmates (“The Courageous Son,” Fr. Charbel and Our Lady of Guadalupe).

Up until now, the videos have only been available online. But starting on Monday, Jan. 8, at 6:30 p.m. ET/3:30 p.m. PT, the videos will be seen on EWTN, making their global TV debut.

Leading up to that, at 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT, two Norbertine priests — Father Ambrose Criste and Father Claude Williams — are featured guests during the “@Home with Jim & Joy Show,” talking about the show.



The videos for “City of Saints” can’t be embedded. Click here to watch, but in the meantime, here’s an interview with Fr. Claude from a few years ago (he’s no longer teaching at St. Michael’s Abbey, but now is at a parish):

Images: Courtesy Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey

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