Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex February 13, 2012

I went to Mass Sunday morning at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. The Gospel and homily were appropriately about sacramental cleansing.

Appropriate, always. And maybe especially when we are being called in a whole new way to be apostles in the United States. Are we who we say we are? Will we fight for the right to be? Or has something else become our religion?

Right before Mass ended, Fr. Bill Dailey, CSC, talked about our current moment of “political crisis,” quoting Chris Matthews on MSNBC saying he had never heard a homily on contraception in any of his Catholic Church-going. He’s right, Fr. Dailey, said. “Hopefully,” he said, this will force us to “more forthrightly” “embrace the truth … seek the truth.” Pray for us as a church, he said. Pray for priests, he pleaded.

It is “our obligation to receive the teachings of the Church with courage and openness,” he reminded us.

Let’s talk about what we believe. And live it already. We owe it to ourselves, to our brothers and sisters. And, above all, our God.

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