St. Catherine of Alexandria painted by Caravaggio. She is the patron of students and teachers. May she pray for us! pic.twitter.com/LVEYkIaRwz
— Franciscan U (@FranciscanU) November 25, 2015
2. From a write-up on her:
Her importance for us is what tradition says of her, namely, that she climbed Mount Sinai, the place where Torah was given, and an image which prefigures calvary when Jesus died. A journey each disciple of the Lord is called to make. Our more contemporary theological view of Catherine is that she is the bridge for the work of unity among Christians. Saint Catherine is a saint honored by the Eastern Churches and her memory is highly esteemed in the West. Hence, we, the Churches of East and West, are united in Jesus Christ through the person of Saint Catherine.
St Catherine of Alexandria (whose feast is today) appeared with Our Lady & St Cecilia to St Dominic https://t.co/Vi2A57iexf
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) November 25, 2014
4. At St. Catherine’s monastery on Mount Sinai, John Paul II said in 2000:
To keep the Commandments is be faithful to God, but it is also to be faithful to ourselves, to our true nature and our deepest aspirations. The wind which still today blows from Sinai reminds us that God wants to be honoured in and through the growth of his creatures: Gloria Dei, homo vivens. In this sense, that wind carries an insistent invitation to dialogue between the followers of the great monotheistic religions in their service of the human family. It suggests that in God we can find the point of our encounter: in God the All Powerful and All Merciful, Creator of the universe and Lord of history, who at the end of our earthly existence will judge us with perfect justice.
St. Catherine of Alexandria, help this Catherine living in a very different Alexandria also become a saint #FeastDay pic.twitter.com/5Y2dO2g6iG
— Catherine Szeltner (@CatSzeltner) November 25, 2015
Mosaics from the church of my childhood, Sacred Heart and St Catherine of Alexandria, Droitwich, worth a trip! pic.twitter.com/GdLbxqKIhK
— Shhhhhuknowwho (@Mystifiedmum) November 25, 2015
St Catherine of Alexandria, patroness of philosophers & preachers: pray for the Order of Preachers! https://t.co/swI4yoe9Fv
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) November 25, 2014
S. Catherine of Alexandria pray for us pray for the Church. Valiant Catholic woman, martyr. She loved Christ more than life and now lives.
— Bishop David Kagan (@VescovoDDK) November 25, 2015
9. From the prayer of the Church today:
Almighty ever-living God,
who gave Saint Catherine of Alexandria to your people
as a Virgin and an invincible Martyr,
grant that through her intercession
we may be strengthened in faith and constancy
and spend ourselves without reserve
for the unity of the Church.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
– Amen.
Medieval statue from Fribourg Cathedral of today's saint, Catherine of Alexandria, patron of philosophers http://t.co/HPFHHI98mi
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) November 25, 2013