September 1, 2015

From his Misericodiae Vultus: Mercy is not opposed to justice but rather expresses God’s way of reaching out to the sinner, offering him a new chance to look at himself, convert, and believe. The experience of the prophet Hosea can help us see the way in which mercy surpasses justice. The era in which the prophet lived was one of the most dramatic in the history of the Jewish people. The kingdom was tottering on the edge of destruction; the... Read more

August 31, 2015

1. A scene with a young girl and the pope may make you cry. 2. Inmate craftsmen in Philly prison build chair for #Pope Francis prison visit. They say- it gives them hope. — Pat Ciarrocchi (@PatCiarrocchi) August 24, 2015 3. And a cross for the World Meeting of Families. 4. Mary Flynn writes: my prayer this week, for me, for you, is that we will be enabled, by the power of the Spirit and the intercession of Our... Read more

August 24, 2015

1. Today’s the feast of St. Bartholomew. Pope Benedict said of him during and audience in 2009: St Bartholomew stands before us to tell us that attachment to Jesus can also be lived and witnessed to without performing sensational deeds. Jesus himself, to whom each one of us is called to dedicate his or her own life and death, is and remains extraordinary. 2. Today’s Mass readings. 3. What good can come from Nazareth? asked Nathaniel.So much good that he... Read more

August 23, 2015

1. Pope Francis today: faithfulness to God is a question of faithfulness to a person, with whom we are joined in order to walk together along the same road. All that we have in the world does not satisfy our hunger for the infinite. We need Jesus, to remain with Him, to nourish ourselves at His table, on His words of eternal life! To believe in Jesus means making Him the centre, the meaning of our life. Christ is not... Read more

August 23, 2015

1. St Rose of Lima, Dominican tertiary & first native-born saint of the Americas, whose feast is today — Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) August 23, 2015 2. She is on the litany of sorts of the saints of the Americas Pope Francis ran through during his recent visit to the North American Pontifical College in Rome for Mass. 3. Here she is at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York (courtesy of my iphone on Friday): 4. A write-up... Read more

August 22, 2015

1. Okay, seriously. If you pray the Liturgy of the Hours and grew up in the 1980s: Do you have Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, AAAAMADEUS… stuck in your head? You do now? Today, you see, there’s a reading there from Saint Amadeus of Lausanne on the Queenship of Mary, which is celebrated on August 22: Dwelling in the loftiest citadel of virtue, like a sea of divine grace or an unfathomable source of love that has... Read more

August 21, 2015

1. St. Pope Pius X, humble of heart, zealous champion of the faith, inspire us to deepen our faith. — Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) August 21, 2015 2. One of my favorite spots at The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., is a little chapel dedicated to St. Pius X, with a prayer imploring his intercession: 3. And there is this: Sculpture @MarysShrine of Pope St Pius X whose feast is today —... Read more

August 20, 2015

1. Today is the feast of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Here’s Pope Benedict XVI about him: St Bernard … solidly founded on the Bible and on the Fathers of the Church, reminds us that without a profound faith in God, nourished by prayer and contemplation, by an intimate relationship with the Lord, our reflections on the divine mysteries risk becoming an empty intellectual exercise and losing their credibility. Theology refers us back to the “knowledge of the Saints”, to their... Read more

August 19, 2015

1. A tweet from last night: Beautiful reading alert: tomorrow is the feast of St. John Eudes. THE best in the Office of Readings bar none! — Sr. Julia Darrenkamp (@SrJuliaMary) August 18, 2015 2. At St. Peter’s in Rome. 3. "Jesus lives and reigns so fully in the Heart of Mary that He is truly the soul of Her soul" (Saint John Eudes). — Fr James Bradley (@FrJamesBradley) August 19, 2015 4. Some links. 5. "…so that in... Read more

August 15, 2015

1. Today is the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Here's Dürer's portrayal of it — British Museum (@britishmuseum) August 15, 2015 2. Today’s Mass readings. 3. From the Office of Readings for Dominicans today, from a homily by Saint John Damascene: Once indeed God ejected the mortals and first parents of the human race from the paradise of Eden, when they had drunk deeply from the wine of disobedience and had become so affected by... Read more

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