August 14, 2012

From a priest in South Carolina: if we live within the Holy Spirit day by day, then we will, bit by bit, discover a new kind of power, a new kind of love and a new clarity of thought and vision. We will be truly powerful because the Divine power is growing within us. We will be truly and genuinely loving – not trying hard to be nice, respectable people, but truly concerned and compassionate and loving towards others. We... Read more

August 14, 2012

“The thing to do now is to pray well to win as many souls as possible.” If he can say it at Auschwitz, surely we can try to live it today. Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a priest who understood the power of the media for evangelization (he wrote and radio-ed), also advised: The real conflict is inner conflict. Beyond armies of occupation and the catacombs of concentration camps, there are two irreconcilable enemies in the depth of every soul: good and evil,... Read more

August 14, 2012

My beloved Drudge (what has been a more reliable, consistent presence in your life over the last two decades? Besides your beloved National Review Online, I would hope!) is highlighting a story about an immigrant whose purse was stolen in Pennsylvania when she went up for Communion: UPPER DARBY, Pa. (CBS) – The 53-year-old victim recently lost her job, and she went to church to pray. She wound up being preyed upon. During Mass, the woman walked up to take communion... Read more

August 13, 2012

The president’s dinner talk. Read more

August 13, 2012

I had some extra exchanges (exclusive to K-Lo@Large) in my interview with Dawn Eden about her book, My Peace I Give You, which I have been sharing here. Here is another; I asked, based on the book, “How does Mary help? Did she really suffer all that much considering she knew she was pretty tight with God?” She answered: Pope Benedict, as Cardinal Ratzinger, wrote in Daughter Zion that Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception, in conjunction with her “Yes” at the... Read more

August 13, 2012

A Dominican brother blogs on Elizabeth of the Trinity: To walk in Jesus Christ seems to me to want to leave self, lose sight of self, give up self in order to enter more deeply into Him with every passing moment, so deeply that one is rooted there, and to every event, to every circumstance we can fling this beautiful challenge: “Who will separate me from the love of Jesus Christ?’” Read more

August 13, 2012

A priest writes: The closing ceremony disappointed me. It was painful to see all the good work being undone by a mind numbingly boring presentation of the empty and shallow nature of pop culture. Faith was ridiculed, the glorification of self was championed, what were they thinking? This was highlighted by John Lennon’s “Imagine” a song that pays homage to an atheist ideology. One that croaks of the nothingness of life. One that sings of the suppression of personality and... Read more

August 13, 2012

In Buffalo, New York (which we down-staters sometimes forget is the same state!) on Friday, Bishop Richard J. Malone was installed. Friday was also the feast of St. Lawrence, the day after the feast of Edith Stein. In his homily, Bishop Malone took the opportunity to reflect on the martyrdom of the two and the call of the Christian life: Back to the martyrs. There is a message here, for me and for all of us. A martyr is, after all, in the most literal... Read more

August 12, 2012

“Love one another even as I have loved you.” When you commanded your people to love their neighbor as themselves, you had not as yet come upon the earth. Knowing the extent to which each one loved himself, you were not able to ask of your creatures a greater love than this for the neighbor. But when you gave your apostles a new commandment, your own commandment … it was no longer a question of loving one’s neighbor as oneself,... Read more

August 12, 2012

B16’s Angelus message today comes right out of John: In today’s Gospel he says to the people: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, whoever believes in me will never thirst.” Let us put our faith in him, and let us put our trust in his promises, so that we may have life in abundance. Read more

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