Time flies.  I’m loathe to launch my new blog—to which I hope thoughtful readers might turn for a smile or a spot of news—with a cliché. Were I in my 20s (or even my early 30s) with a smaller stash of memories and a longer lifeline looming ahead, I might abandon the truism altogether.

Fact is, though, time’s a wastin’. I have wanted to write but have put it off for countless reasons: teaching children to read; going to church; working overtime; watching Jeopardy to get pointers so I can win a million; getting some face time with the exercise rower; need to run the vacuum….

So today, folks, history is being made—and you’re right here to see it! If I wait until the day I retire, my epitaph may well be “She Wanted to Write.”

I was sixteen and soon-to-be-editor of my high school newspaper when Sr. Mary Edward, journalism moderator, asked me to write an editorial praising the outgoing seniors. I knew those guys—I dated some of them, and eventually even married one of them—and I struggled to cast aside the obvious and find a creative way to say “We love you, we’ve had some great times, we’ll miss you, and we hope you’ll succeed.” I finally settled on “Bittersweet Nostalgia.” I still remember the twinkle in Sister Edward’s eye as she exclaimed, “That’s wonderful! How did you think of that?! You should become a writer!”

I should have, but I didn’t. I did a bunch of things along the way: secretary, teacher, radio producer, event planner, etc. Starting today, though, in some small way, I Am A Writer. I hope you’ll like it; but even if you don’t, I’ll like doing it.

Another truism:  Life is good.

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