When Elizabeth Scalia first invited me to sit in her chair, guest blogging for her while she enjoyed some much-needed down time, she described it as “giving me the keys to a Ferrari.” And I had to agree! “The Anchoress” was one of the blogs I read every day, without fail. Indeed, many of the writers over at the Catholic Portal at Patheos had their fingers on the virtual pulse of the Church–Patheos was my “go-to” site for news and thoughtful opinions regarding matters of faith.
Shortly after that, I hauled my own blog “SEASONS OF GRACE” over to Patheos.
I enjoyed the camaraderie with my fellow Catholic writers and came to respect some of those writing on other portals, who were also motivated by love of God to share their stories with the world. The interaction with my fellow bloggers meant that I could not grow stale–the cross-pollination of ideas, the shared news challenged me to keep my Faith front-and-center in my life. Behind the scenes, we joined in laughter and in prayer, and we became close friends.
My loyal readers, many of them, found their way to “SEASONS OF GRACE” via the main portal at Patheos; and for that I am grateful. Their support (and sometimes their differing perspectives) have enriched our conversation–and I hope that will continue.
But now I move on. Effective December 31, I will no longer be writing here at Patheos–although my work will still be published in other venues.
“SEASONS OF GRACE” will continue, although with a different look and a different mission. My newly designed blog will address four main topics: Faith, Family, Politics & Culture, and Books & Film. In addition, there’s a section titled “Why Do Catholics Do That?” which answers common questions; there, readers can submit their own questions, which will provide fodder for future posts.
In addition, I’ll be blogging more regularly at the National Catholic Register, as well as writing for other Catholic sites such as Aleteia. And just to be sure you don’t miss those posts, “SEASONS OF GRACE” will include a section titled “Elsewhere on the Web” where those other articles will be linked.
And once upon a time, before I succumbed to the relentless pressure of a daily blog, I was writing a novel. I hope now I’ll finish it!
Don’t think for a minute that it’s easy to drop the pen and let go of the mouse, to give up the spot on the Internet that has been my home for the last four years. I owe a great deal to Patheos founders Leo and Cathie Brunnick, whose vision of a place for dialogue and discussion found its fulfillment on the web. It’s hard to turn out the lights for the last time, when I’ve derived so much pleasure on the job. Thank you to all of the folks at Patheos, on the Catholic Portal and in the offices, who have made it such a pleasure to write here.
I pray that my fellow Patheos bloggers will continue to bring you exciting and relevant writing, posts designed to inspire and to strengthen faith. I wish them the best, and I hope that we will all continue to keep in touch.
And you? Well, I miss you already–and am only comforted by the hope that you’ll follow me where I am going. You can peek now–there’s a lot of content waiting for you over at my new digs. And soon, there’ll be daily happenings in Rome to report, prayers to share, ideas to float for discussion at the new SEASONS OF GRACE…. Oh, the fun we will have!
Please join me.
Images: Pixabay