7-Year-Old Steals Car to Avoid Going to Church

7-Year-Old Steals Car to Avoid Going to Church May 7, 2013

I’d love to tell you that my children, when they were young, always loved going to church…. But no. 

They were pretty virtuous youngsters, and I was immensely proud of them; but sometimes they were in the middle of a game with friends or they were watching TV, and they just didn’t want to get in the car and drive to Mass.  We did it anyway; they were not permitted to miss; but I hated that it sometimes seemed that I was “punishing” them by requiring that they attend the Sunday liturgy, when the neighbor children could stay home and enjoy the sunshine.

I never had THIS happen though!  This little seven-year-old boy stole his dad’s car and drove toward home, just to avoid going to church.

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