And I Thought I Knew How to Pray…

And I Thought I Knew How to Pray… May 25, 2013

I have known Vinny Flynn for years.  I’ve seen him at the Catholic Marketing Network and various other events in the Catholic world.  I’ve prayed with Vinny and his family, leading the Divine Mercy Chaplet from their post in the front pew on EWTN.

But I’ve never read any of his books—until now.

Flynn, the best-selling author of 7 Secrets of the Eucharist, has just released a very helpful guide to Eucharistic adoration, called 21 Ways to Worship: A Guide to Eucharistic Adoration.

Whether you are a regular visitor to the adoration chapel, or you are still wondering whether to dip your toes into the still pond of silent prayer, Vinny’s little book will inspire you. 

If you visit Jesus on His own turf frequently, you’ll appreciate Vinny’s helpful ideas for strengthening your prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.  If you’ve never been in the chapel on a quiet night, Vinny offers advice to make you at ease and to help you deepen your life in Christ.

Some examples:

  • Keep a journal, in which you write while in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord;
  • Tuck photos of loved ones under the red and white rays in the image of the Divine Mercy, then imagine Jesus touching each of them;
  • Stop your own prayer and just wait patiently, listening to what God has to say to you.
  • Don’t be afraid to pray to Our Lady during your time in the chapel.  Would you be upset if someone visited your home and talked to your mother?
  • Pray the Divine Office, the Liturgy of the Hours.  If words are difficult to find, the beautiful rhythms and the love evident in the Psalms can inspire you.  And you’ll know that you’re praying with the universal Church—that all over the world, priests and religious (and an increasing number of lay people) are praying with you.
  • In “Get a Tan!”, Vinny reminds us that just being in the presence of God is life-changing.  He encourages you to “Son-bathe”, to bask in the holy light of His presence and His grace.
  • Don’t be afraid to sleep!  If you are likely to snore, perhaps it’s best to warn others in the chapel with you and to ask them to wake you, if you bother their personal prayer.  But Vinny reminds you how tenderly a parent regards a child who climbs up to sit beside him, to cuddle even while napping.  Your heavenly Father understands and smiles.

If we’ve fallen short—if we’ve been angry, negative, judgmental, unforgiving, Vinny offers tools to cleanse our souls.  He quotes Ephesians 4:31-32:

Get rid of all bitterness, all passion and anger, harsh words, slander, and malice of every kind.  In place of these, be kind to one another, compassionate, and mutually forgiving.

So we not only need to get rid of these things (curses), Vinny explains; we also need to put something else in their place (blessings).  Vinny teaches us to do this by using the three “R’s”:

  1. Repent.  “Oh Lord, there I go again.  I’m sorry, Lord.  I repent of that reaction; I repent of the thoughts, the judgments, the anger, the words I uttered.”
  2. Revoke.  “I revoke all those negative, unkind thoughts, Lord.  I un-think them, and I un-say those words.”
  3. Replace.  “I replace those ‘curses’ with a blessing, Lord.  I forgive him and I bless him, and I ask that You bless him, Lord.”

There is so much more. 21 Ways to Worship: A Guide to Eucharistic Adoration offers something for everyone, in a down-to-earth, friendly presentation.  And a bonus:  Vinny tops the book off with a selection of prayers suitable for adoration.

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YOU CAN WIN!  If you’d like a chance to win a copy of 21 Ways to Worship for your own library, just submit a comment below.  The winner will be selected from the comments received.  I’ll then be in touch to arrange for shipment of the book direct to you!

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