Abortionist Gosnell Blames “Catholic Presence” For His Conviction

Abortionist Gosnell Blames “Catholic Presence” For His Conviction September 24, 2013

Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist whose filthy, blood-spattered clinic has been dubbed a “house of horrors”, blames “a Catholic presence” for his conviction.

The district attorney’s long involvement with the Catholic Church, according to Gosnell, created an atmosphere of religious bias in the courtroom.  In Gosnell’s mind it was that “atmosphere”, not his illegal actions, which resulted in his convictions for first-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and performing illegal late-term abortions.

Gosnell believes that his 200+ violations of Pennsylvania’s Abortion Control Act were justified, because he was serving the best interests of his community, and of the women who came to him for care.  In his first interview since his conviction for snipping the necks of babies born alive during attempted abortions at his clinic, Gosnell told Steve Volk, writer for Philadelphia magazine,

“In an ideal world, we’d have no need for abortion. But bringing a child into the world when it cannot be provided for, that there are not sufficient systems to support, is a greater sin. I considered myself to be in a war against poverty, and I feel comfortable with the things I did and the decisions I made.”

As further evidence that the killer feels no remorse for his heinous crimes, Gosnell penned several poems in support of abortion, including this one dated April 2013:

Abortion Providers
Are Labeled Killers!
Horrendous, Exploitive
Barbaric, Inhumane
Not Physicians, Oathed To Heal
Lest We Forget,
What Chance Have Those?
Those Without The Support
Of Their Parents
Their Families
Their Communities
Their Societies …
So Many
Without Sufficient Support
Stumble Into Drugs
Into Crime
Into Mental Illness
Into Institutions … And …
Languish in Jails …

Lord, help this creep.

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