Trump Is Still the Same

Trump Is Still the Same June 1, 2016

Wake up, America. A lot of political pundits and Trump voters have been saying that when Donald Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for U.S. president, he would tone down his rhetoric to become more appealing to the broader voting public. Not so! Donald Trump is still the same, still being his old vitriolic self.

Yesterday at a press conference, he said to an ABC reporter, “You’re a real sleaze.” And he spoke sarcastically to a CNN reporter, saying, “You’re a real beauty.” The Trumpeter then went on to blast the press with unmerciless castigation. And he said if he becomes the U.S. president, he will continue his media diatribe. Donald Trump believes in free speech only until others criticize him with their free speech. Wake up, America!

No, Mr. Trump, “Your a real beauty!” What kind of response do you think you will get when you display such pompous language targeted to the heads of other nations? Oh, you will tone down your remarks in such cases. When pressed, I doubt it.

Wake up, America! How could you make Donald Trump the Republican nominee? Physicist Stephen Hawking said of him this week that he is “a demagogue” and a “dangerous man.” In case you don’t know the definition of a demagogue, it’s “a political leader who appeals to popular desires and prejudices rather than rational arguments.”

Bombastic Donald Trump is setting a horrible example of political campaigning for U.S. president that is unprecedented. He constantly speaks ill of those who disagree with him. He repeatedly called Ted Cruz, his political opponent who ran against him, “Lyin’ Ted.” He does the same with Hilary Clinton, calling her “Crooked Hilary.” She probably will be his Democratic opponent in the general election.

I think Donald Trump is the biggest liar of them all, by far. We have seen so many examples of it in this campaign. He doesn’t care about facts; he spouts out stuff that obviously appeals to a lot of his political supporters. But when the fact checkers do the research and publish their results about these candidates’ public speeches, the facts prove that Trump is the biggest liar of all. Tell Trump that he was wrong about some fact that he spoke about and he doesn’t care, but still expounds his misinformation.

Just consider his tax returns. He had been saying that he would do like presidential candidates for president did for decades before him and make public his tax returns for the past several years. Then a few days ago, he withdrew that commitment and said he wouldn’t do it. At first he gave a lame excuse about being audited. But the facts checkers proved that didn’t wash. When questioned about it by the press, he said, “It’s none of your business.” What a childish remark! It is too our business. I want to know how much taxes this blow-hard paid when I paid the full amount for at least ten years–50-60% of my income–that both the federal and state governments required when I competed on the Senior/Champions Tour of the PGA Tour.

This man Donald Trump is not qualified to be president of this great country. I and a whole lot of other Americans never thought he would get this far, acquiring the 1,237 delegates necessary to secure the Republican nomination. I thought by the time of the Republican National Convention this summer, Trump would be chasing a ball, trippin’ at one of his fancy resort golf courses. But no, he’s going to be “the man” in Cleveland. I think he’ll bring America down, not Make America Great Again. Wake up, America!

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