I Told You So

I Told You So October 19, 2016

DonaldTrumpFirstDebateEarlier today I posted, “Trump Is Already a Bad Loser.” I was proved even more right tonight by the third and last debate in this U.S. presidential election process between Democrat nominee Hilary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump. Near the end of this televised debate, moderator Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump if he would accept the election results. The election is in twenty days, on November 8th. Why did Wallace ask Trump that question and not Clinton?

For quite some time in this election campaign for the U.S. presidency, both candidates were running about even in the polls. But a few weeks ago, the polls started showing that Trump was losing to Clinton. Then Trump started losing in double figures in some polls days ago after the 2005 audio-video was shown on television. In it, Trump said on a hot mic he kisses women and gropes them in their genitals without their consent. That is described at least as sexual aggression, and many people would say it is sexual assault. Either way, the groping is a crime in our country in all fifty states.

In the days following that televised tape, about twelve women came forth separately alleging that Donald Trump had done those very things to them years ago. Trump not only denied that all of these allegations are untrue, he repeatedly asserted that all of these women are “liars” and that he had never met just about any of them. He also accused the Clinton campaign of orchestrating these false charges.

When Trump started losing in the polls, he was claiming they are wrong. Throughout much of his campaign, Donald Trump has been bashing most of the media, especially major U.S. newspapers, saying that they and the Clinton campaign are in collusion, “corrupting” the election process against him. In recent days, Trump has been alleging that our democratic election process–the envy of the free world for a long time–“is rigged.” He meant that volunteers that conduct our elections are cheating by doing various things called “voter fraud,” such as registering dead people as living voters.

So, moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump tonight, and not Clinton, whether or not he would accept the election results. He didn’t ask it of Clinton because only Trump has been making these allegations that the election is “rigged.”

So, how did Donald Trump answer Chris Wallace’s question? The Donald said he would decide whether or not he accepts the election results after November 8th when he has had a chance to look at them. In the entire history of the United States of America, no one who has ever been the Republican or Democratic nominee for president has ever failed to affirm prior to election day that he would accept election results. This Trump gaffe was the most prominent moment in this debate. It is more evidence in which he is undermining the most precious institution of our democracy, which is our fair election process. Folks, I told you so–“Trump Is Already a Bad Loser.”

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