Lindell Needs a Shrink’s Couch, Not a Pillow

Lindell Needs a Shrink’s Couch, Not a Pillow August 22, 2021

Mike Lindell, CEO of the ubiquitous MyPillow company in TV commercials, is still at it. Now, he is recasting his earlier prediction. For months, he had been telling us that, due to alleged 2020 election fraud, former President Donald Trump would be “reinstated” as president on Friday the 13th, thus nine days ago. It wasn’t Lindell’s or Trump’s lucky day since that August 13th came and went without fanfare. Lindell had been saying for weeks, “By the morning of August 13th, it be the talk of the world.” Back in July, he had sometimes added concerning President Biden and other Democratic members of Congress, “Hurry up. . . . Let’s get these communists out,” meaning out-of-office.

But at a political rally last night in Cullman, Alabama, held by Mr Trump himself, Mr. Lindell appeared on the stage with him, recasting the date of Trump’s supposed future reinstatement as president. Lindell claimed the reinstatement of Trump will happen next year, saying, “I’ll tell you what, it’s Trump 2021!”

(Incidentally, in case you don’t know, there is no such thing in American politics, as an incumbent president to be “reinstated.” I think Mr. Lindell needs to go take a course somewhere on American political science.)

In a media interview right after the rally last night, Mike Lindell reaffirmed his new prediction, saying, “That’s what it is, 2021! If we don’t solve 2020, there is no 2022 and 2024,” referring to the next mid-term and presidential elections, respectively. He also said, “100% Trump 2021.” Then he added, “maybe” the Supreme Court will call a redo of the 2020 election, with Lindell calling it “a whole new election.”

Finally, Lindell brought up the subject of alleged election fraud via the voting machines furnished by Dominion and Smartmatic in the 2020 election (with Dominion machines used all over the country and Smartmatic machines used only in Los Angeles County in Southern California. Both companies, especially Dominion, have big defamation lawsuits against a few Republicans, including Lindell, for promoting conspiracy theories about how these companies “flipped” their votes from Trump to Biden.

Lindell then finished that interview by saying, “Remember, everybody, we have to melt down the machines to make prison bars out of them.” Ah, Mike, who are the prison bars for, YOU? I think YOU need a melt down on some shrink’s couch. Maybe you can take your precious pillow there. In the meantime, I don’t think many non-Republican voters will be holding their breath, waiting for your latest prediction to transpire next year.

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