George Washington’s Farewell Speech Anticipated Trump’s Sedition

George Washington’s Farewell Speech Anticipated Trump’s Sedition June 5, 2022

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein–the two Washington Post reporters who helped break open the truth about the Watergate burglary that led to U.S. President Richard Nixon’s resignation–have now penned a Post article today that compares Watergate and what I call Trumpgate. The article’s title pretty well sums up the piece, “Woodward and Bernstein thought Nixon defined corruption. Then came Donald Trump.” It begins as follows:

“President George Washington, in his celebrated 1796 Farewell Address, cautioned that American democracy was fragile. ‘Cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government,’ he warned.

“Two of his successors — Richard Nixon and Donald Trump — demonstrate the shocking genius of our first president’s foresight.

“As reporters, we had studied Nixon and written about him for nearly half a century, during which we believed with great conviction that never again would America have a president who would trample the national interest and undermine democracy through the audacious pursuit of personal and political self-interest.

“And then along came Trump.”

The article provides much information about Watergate, compares similarities between Richard Nixon and Donald Trump, and then concludes as follows:

“Both Nixon and Trump have been willing prisoners of their compulsions to dominate, and to gain and hold political power through virtually any means. In leaning so heavily on these dark impulses, they defined two of the most dangerous and troubling eras in American history.

“As Washington warned in his Farewell Address more than 225 years ago, unprincipled leaders could create ‘permanent despotism,’ ‘the ruins of public liberty,’ and ‘riot and insurrection.'”

President Trump, as we know, was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives for the second time, which was unprecedented in our nation’s history, and it was for riot “insurrection” due to the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2020.

Next Thursday, the House committee investigating this January 6th Capitol riot begins the first of its scheduled eight, televised hearings on the results of its investigation, which reportedly will include witness testimonies. We’ll begin to learn whether I was right in posting on my blog on July 21, 2018, “I think Trumpgate will make Watergate look like a Sunday school picnic.” That is now in my book, Bible Predicts Trump Fall.

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