Walk through the tabernacle

Walk through the tabernacle September 3, 2007

You are salt: Jesus is at the altar, considering the salt that is added to the offerings. The earth is the altar, the nations the sacrifice (Romans 16), and the disciples of Jesus the flavoring on the offering.

You are a light on a lamp: Jesus is in the Holy Place, considering the menorah and the light that fills the house. Jesus’ disciples are set in the firmament of the Holy Place, shining to fill the house of creation.

Think not that I came to destroy the law: Jesus advances to the Most Holy Place, where he opens the ark and pulls out the tablets of the law. He comes to fulfill the law, to bring into final realization (in His own life, His teaching, the lives of His disciples) the righteousness that the law always pointed to. He opens the ark not to break the tablets, but to tear the veil and write it on tablets of flesh (2 Corinthians 3).

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