Worshiping Jesus

Worshiping Jesus June 22, 2008

Jesus is worshiped three times in Matthew, at the beginning, middle and end. At the beginning by the wise men, in the middle by the disciples after Jesus has entered the boat and calmed the storm (14:33), and at the end after His resurrection (28:9) and before He commissions the Twelve (28:17).

This is one of several indications that the story of Jesus walking on the sea is a preview of the end of the gospel, and of the future ministry of the Twelve. Chapter 14 begins with the death of John, foreshadowing the death of Jesus, and then recounts a meal in the wilderness, foreshadowing the Supper. After this death and meal, Jesus “compels” the Twelve to get into a boat (14:22) and go across the sea, often symbolic of nations. On the sea, they encounter a storm (of persecutions) but find calm when Jesus comes to be with them. They worship Him as God’s Son, and when they get to the far side of the sea, outside of Israel, there is an eager crowd waiting to hear them.

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