David’s return

David’s return January 31, 2009

When Absalom took over Israel, David fled east, over the Kidron and up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went (2 Samuel 15:30). He had two donkeys with him (2 Samuel 16:1-4).

David returns to Israel, and to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 20:3), but it was hardly a triumphal return. Still weeping for Absalom, his first act on returnings to his house was to put away the concubines defiled by his son. Hardly a home-coming.

Then Jesus comes, with two donkeys, from the Mount of Olives (Matthew 21), with singing and rejoicing rather than with weeping. This is only the third time the Mount of Olives has been mentioned in the Bible (the second is Zechariah 14). Jesus’ arrival is the much-awaited return of David.

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