New Creation

New Creation October 26, 2009

David Garland comments that the first part of Matthew’s Passion narrative (26:2-56) begins with the plot of the priests and elders and then is divided into six scenes:

1. Anointing for burial, 26:6-13

2. Judas’ betrayal, 26:14-15

3. Preparation for Passover, 26:17-19

4. Last Supper, 26:20-30

5. Prediction that the disciples will scatter, 26:31-35

6. Prayer in Gethesemane, 26:36-46

These scenes set out a creation-week sequence.

1. The introductory verses (26:2-5) gather the principals of the drama to follow, as the first section of the creation sequence of Exodus 26-31 is about the gathering of materials for the tabernacle.  The gabble from the priests and elders is a “formless and void” that will be ordered into a new creation.

2. The woman anoints Jesus on His head, making Him a royal and priestly lamp.  Let there be light.

3. Judas is an inverted firmament.  He is a mediator between the priests and Jesus, but instead of being a protective boundary He is an attacker.  In Exodus 30:11-16, the atonement money stands in the “second day” position.  Judas seeks betrayal money, but that money will, in the providence of God, lead to a death that covers Israel.

4. On the third day, Yahweh issues His first command, that the earth bring forth grain and fruit.  In the third scene of Matthew’s story, Jesus commands the disciples to prepare for Passover, where He will institute a feast of bread and wine.

5. The Last Supper is a royal feast, which signifies Jesus’ death as the anointed king.  The cup anticipates the time when Jesus will “drink it new with you in My father’s kingdom” (26:29).  Day four is the day on which the rulers are created and placed in the heavens.

6. Day 5 of creation is the day of swarming things, and Jesus predicts the scattering of His disciples.

7. Jesus enters the garden of Gethsemane as true man, as the Last Adam.  Mel Gibson had it right: Here Jesus wrestles with the accuser, and begins to crush his head, reversing Adam’s fall.

8. After Adam sinned, Yahweh came in the Spirit of the day to judge.  After Jesus faithfully submits to His Father even to death, the counterfeit “glory-cloud” of the temple guard comes to arrest Him, and drag Him to His trial.

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