Structure of Matthew 27

Structure of Matthew 27 February 25, 2010

Within the inclusio described in the last post, there are three sections: the episode of Judas and the thirty pieces of silver (27:3-10), Pilate’s interrogation of Jesus (27:11-14), and the offer to the Jews of a prisoner release (27:15-26).  The last two sections are, roughly, chiastically organized.

A. Jesus stands before governor, 27:11a

B. Gov’s Question: king of Jews?, 27:11b

B. Jesus: You say, 27:11c

C. Chief priests and elders accuse, 27:12a

C’. Jesus does not answer, 27:12b

B’. Pilate’s Question: don’t you hear charges?, 27:13

B’. Jesus does not answer, 27:14a

A’. Gov marvels, 27:14b

Verse 15 initiates a new section by introducing the custom of offering a prisoner for release.

A. At feast, gov released prisoner; notorious prisoner: Barabbas, 27:15-16

B. Pilate’s question, 27:17-20

1. Pilate’s question: who should I release?, 27:17

2. Envy, 27:18

3. Dream of wife, 27:19

2’. Chief priests persuaded crowds, 27:20

1’. Pilate’s question restated: who release?, 27:21a

B. Answer: Barabbas, 27:21b

C. Pilate’s question: what to do with Jesus?, 27:22a

C. Answer: crucify, 27:22b

C. Pilate’s q: what has he done?, 27:23a

C. Answer: crucify, 27:23b

B’. Pilate washes hands: I am innocent, 27:24

B’. Answer: blood on us and our children, 27:25

A’. Released Barabbas; handed Jesus to cross, 27:26

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