Finger Crowns

Finger Crowns October 3, 2010

Rings resemble crowns – both circlets made of precious metals and adorned with jewels.

And they play a similar role in the Bible.  Crowns glorify the one crowned and distinguish him from among his brothers.  Crowns are glory and honor of the person.

Rings glorify fingers, and fingers are instruments of action and construction.  Fingers grasp weapons, make things, play instruments, write.  Fittingly, rings empower and glorify these actions.  When a ring is put on Joseph’s finger, he is given power to act in Pharaoh’s name, writing decrees and authorizing them with the stamp of his finger.   People are sometimes fingers on Yahweh’s hands (Haggai 2:23), hence the authorized instruments of Yahweh’s words and actions.

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