Passover Firstfruits

Passover Firstfruits April 21, 2015

Psalm 105:36 describes the exodus as the Lord’s striking of the “firstborn” of Egypt, “the firstfuits of all their vigor.” Firstborn is firstfruits: It makes obvious sense. 

And behind the obvious is a link between human and humus, between the fruitfulness of earth and the fruitfulness of the human race. A woman is the earth-mother in which a man plants seed, and the result is fresh growth. A woman who bears fruit from the seed of a man might even be called a “fruitful vine” (Psalm 128).

During the Passover, the firstfruits of Egypt were struck down, while the firstfruits of Israel were preserved. By protecting the firstborn of Israel during the night of terror, the Lord purchased the firstborn sons of all Israel. According to Exodus 13, they were devoted to the Lord; according to Numbers 8, they were replaced by the Levites, honorary firstborn, honorary firstfruits.

All this is running in the background when we get to Revelation 14. At the beginning of the chapter, the 144,000 are described as “purchased” and “firstfruits” (v. 4). They are the first of the harvest, purchased as the firstfruits of Israel were purchased at Passover. When we come a harvest at the end of the chapter, it’s natural to think that the ones being harvested are the 144,000 of the firstfruits. Their harvest is a Passover.

Their Passover, like the Passover of Jesus, is not a rescue from death. Jesus died as Passover Lamb, but was rescued from death (like the firstborn Son he is) in the resurrection. So too the firstfuits in Revelation 14 are not rescued from death, but are harvested in death.

It’s no accident that this is shortly followed by bloodshed: the blood of a new Passover. It’s no accident that when the 144,000 appear in chapter 15, they are above the firmament, safely past the sea, singing the songs of Moses and the Lamb. It’s no accident that the great city (which is like Egypt) soon falls, or that the faithful are exhorted to “come out” from her (18:4). 

After all, once there has been a Passover, an exodus will shortly follow. Wherever there are Passover firstfruits, martyred as witnesses to Jesus, there is a liberating exodus, the beginning of a journey into the wilderness toward a land of promise.

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