December 2, 2015

Since the close of the Synod on the Family in October, there has been much discussion on reconstructing Catholic marriage preparation programs. As wonderful as it is for our parish leaders and Church hierarchy to start rolling up their sleeves and getting to work on this critical aspect of helping married couples stay together, we cannot let the entire burden rest solely upon their shoulders. That would be unfair, because honestly, it’s not all their responsibility. Parents bear the brunt... Read more

November 30, 2015

It was 11:30pm on New Year’s Eve, 1996 and I was at a huge party at some hotel with a bunch of co-workers. We had been having a good time, but as the clock neared midnight, I was getting more and more agitated. I looked around at the crowd, everyone dressed to the nines, most of them drunk, all of them preparing to count down to the New Year and thought, “I can’t do this.” This was my third holiday... Read more

November 25, 2015

It’s hard to be charitable to someone who has devastated your life. In my own divorce experience, there were times when my bitterness won out and my angry behavior just made things worse. It made me feel absolutely horrible about what I had done or said. No one should live that way, it’s a miserable existence. No wonder we have such high crime, road rage, and broken families. People get hurt and their response is to attack like a spitting,... Read more

November 23, 2015

You know what’s hard? Trying to find something to be thankful for when you are suffering. Just as when you’re sick with a bad cold or flu and you find it difficult to read or concentrate on anything in particular, trying to focus on blessings in the midst of a painful experience like divorce can be just as difficult. You know it’s probably the right thing to do, and you know you should give it a try, but the pain... Read more

November 20, 2015

Society has successfully brainwashed an entire generation of people into believing that marriages are disposable. Read more

November 18, 2015

Back in 1998, I was on a pilgrimage in Rome and although I was with a large group, I felt very much alone. I didn’t know many people and kept to myself because I was divorced and didn’t want to scandalize anyone. For some reason, when people found out I was divorced, they never seemed to take an interest in me. One day our group was enjoying a leisurely lunch and much to my awkwardness, a priest sat across from... Read more

November 16, 2015

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner and for anyone who has been divorced, this can be a very tough day, even years later and especially if you are a parent. Will you be exchanging children? Will your ex-spouse be present at the family gathering? There can be many uncomfortable circumstances that turn what is supposed to be a day of gratitude and family warmth into a day of wrestling demons. In the years that followed my divorce, I always... Read more

November 13, 2015

One of the most difficult aspects of rebuilding your life after divorce is battling the pervasive feeling of being less valuable as a human being. Now, this doesn’t happen to everyone who gets divorced, but in all my years of helping people pick up the pieces of their broken relationships, it is a common thread among them. The feelings of loss and rejection occur on so many levels, and it’s natural that one might question one’s own value as a... Read more

November 10, 2015

You might be familiar with my brother Patrick Madrid’s daily radio show on Immaculate Heart Radio and if you are, you know his primary goal in getting behind the microphone is to bring souls to Christ. I listen frequently and love hearing the discussions that take place with callers from all faith backgrounds; Catholics, former Catholics, protestants, Mormons, atheists, etc. It’s always educational to hear those conversations and the perspective of those who aren’t Catholics. One day as I was... Read more

November 7, 2015

I’ll never forget how rapidly my spiritual life declined during that first year after my husband walked out and filed for divorce. Sure, I did a lot of tear-filled pleading and begging with God in those first few days and no doubt, that was one form of praying, but as the shock began to wear off and anger set in, my ability and desire to pray went right out the window. My sorrow was too deep and I just couldn’t... Read more

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