Look At Me Now

Look At Me Now December 14, 2023

I launched The Healed Girl ministry while I was on my sick bed. That’s such an old “churchy” term, but it’s absolutely accurate. I had been discharged from the hospital, but I was still under doctor’s care. I had moved in with my mother because I couldn’t be alone at home and was unable to work. I was also unable to prepare food for myself. At times, I had to have assistance just going to the bathroom. My face was adorned with a nasal cannula that was attached to an oxygen machine. It was a dark and lonely time for me.

The only thing I could rely on was my faith and the love of my family. That’s what hoisted me up from that low place. And that’s why I feel so strongly about prayer. It is one of the most powerful tools we Christians have at our disposal. When I cried out to the Lord, He heard me, and He responded. The good news is that He still does! He is a God who answers prayer.

When I answered the call to do this full-time, I realized what seemed to be a mystery to some. Ministry is service. It’s not about preaching in a pulpit and telling folks they are going to Hell if they don’t “get right.” Ministry is having a listening ear and an open hand to those in need.

What we miss many times is that we can be hurt, broken, and in need ourselves, and God will still call on us to minister to others. That’s my story.

Before I left the hospital, before I even left the ICU, I was praying for anyone who entered my room. I’m sure I’ve shared this here before: I prayed for the other patients, the housekeeping staff, the nutrition staff, the social workers, the doctors, and the nurses. No one was exempt. And it was then that my body began to heal. It was then that my numbers began to turn around. It was then that my depression lifted. The system God has in place was working. Then again, it always is. The power of prayer and service.

The scripture I read today caused me to reflect on these moments even more. I’m so grateful to be chosen and used by God. Proverbs 22:1 in The Message Bible says, “A sterling reputation is better than striking it rich; a gracious spirit is better than money in the bank.” When I was lying there in pain, out of work, and out of money, I still felt rich and honored. God had fought for me, and now I would have a true legacy of faith.

Nearly five years later, The Healed Girl ministry serves thousands through Bible studies, faith-based masterclasses, homeless outreach, and more. I even have a YouTube channel where I share powerful prayers, Bible studies, and other rich content. I would love for you to take a moment to dive in there and let me know what you think. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a prayer inspired by today’s scripture reading.

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you in the spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving. Your Word teaches me that a good name is more desirable than great riches, and I know that your wisdom is what sustains me. I accept your Word as the guide for my life. Now I recognize that a good reputation is a precious gift from you. Thank you now Father for empowering me to live a life of integrity, kindness, and righteousness so that my actions reflect your love and grace. That is who you are; therefore, that is who I am. In Jesus name, I pray and give thanks. Amen

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