Don’t Let the Storm Get the Best of You, It Soon Will Pass

Don’t Let the Storm Get the Best of You, It Soon Will Pass February 4, 2025

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with peace, not just coffee!

There are so many people that feel completely deflated right now. Some people are anxious about the uncertainty that is happening all around us. People are depressed and see no hope for the future. I won’t lie, the state of things currently makes me sad and I can feel the weight of it, but I stand on the promise of God. I can’t put my weight on or confidence in anything man-made. No system, no structure or institution is above what God said. I have learned to depend on him. I’ve also learned that as smart as I am, as well versed and well researched or well educated as I might be, my mind is still finite. But with God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the possibilities are infinite, endless. So I can’t look at the future as dark; I don’t see a hopeless situation. I see endless possibilities. I see rescue coming just in the nick of time. We are several weeks out from Christmas, but I am committed to staying merry and bright all year, even once we make our way to the swimming pool and barbecue grill.

For some of us it literally feels like we are under attack. Many things we’ve known and many things that we have believed thus far are coming into question. There are folks who are talking really loudly and rallying against things that we have always known and it causes a lot of doubt and confusion. But I want to share that glimmer of hope with you. No matter what are questionable now, there is one thing that is certain, one thing that is sure, and that is God’s love.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

That is sure. On Sunday my pastor reminded us that when we are too focused and bogged down in our present is when we are easily distracted or confused. The truth is we are just pilgrims passing through. This is not our final destination. God loaned us these bodies and when we accepted the blood and sacrifice of Jesus we were given New Life. This New Life here on Earth in this human experience should not be as tumultuous as that of the unbeliever. We have spiritual blockers in place (by the way that’s called the armor of God) to Shield us from the chaos getting inside of us. It reminds me of another story my pastor always shares. When the disciples are on the ship and Jesus was asleep, the storm rocked the boat and they were afraid. They really thought that Jesus would let them die. But it wasn’t the water getting in the boat that was the problem, the storm that was on the sea had gotten inside of them, that was the real disturbance.

Let me encourage you today:
There are many storms of life that you will experience. You may be feeling the rain right now. You may be feeling the wind some too. But no matter how strong that wind blows or how hard the rain falls down, don’t let the storm get inside of you! You are not a victim of your circumstances. You are not a product of your environment. As a blood bought believer you are a child of the Most High, a king’s kid. Better is always on the way for you. It will soon pass, just keep your head up.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NLT says:
[17] For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! [18] So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

That is Good News and as long as there is good news you’re going to be okay.

Peace be unto you Friend.

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