Four years ago this week the new cycle was dominated with what was happening in Washington, DC. It was chaos. It was very scary. And it hit close to home because not only is that where I grew up, but that very site was the workplace of friends of my family. This wild scene was mere miles away from my brother’s workplace. So there was a lot going on in my mind. And four years later I still can’t understand how it happened. I also can’t understand the decisions that have been made since then by elected officials and the citizens who have been tasked with seating and unseating decision makers. Yet I am reminded that the government rests on His shoulders. I’m grateful that God values mercy over justice. He is fair. And yet He favors his children. I’m so grateful that He remains in control.
I’m grateful that even though it may appear that I am subject to the whims of those who may sit behind bigger desks, I’m not. They may have more lights, more cameras, and more actions, but the fact is I have more power. I have the power of the Holy Spirit. I don’t live on Wall Street nor Main Street and I know that I am far down the list of their priorities. I live in a small section of town that’s, interestingly enough, called Bethlehem. I’m grateful that the one who goes before me, came down through 42 generations to another town by the same name, still has me in mind. He was giving as the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that I could have life and freedom. I live life abundantly despite what society may think or label me as. I know that with my background, my gender, my ethnicity, none of the things that I have accomplished should be possible, but because I was ransomed, I can. I was purchased with blood. So I have no limits. I have no boundaries.
I stand Godly proud that I have been able to transform women owned and operated businesses in nine different states and the nation’s capital. The very place where that unrest exploded four years ago. I am a three-time best-selling author. I am a vision caster and a hope dealer. I am a Child of The King.
I don’t make any moves or decisions based on fear. It all comes back to Faith. I realize, like the group of singers out of a ministry in North Carolina has said, because God is enough I am enough. I don’t have to view myself through the lenses of others. I am not a second class citizen. I am not weak. I am not an afterthought. I am powerful. I am prosperous. I am abundant. And most of all I have what I say. So I must speak the Word of God. I must speak the truth to power. I must speak the truth even in inconvenient times and places. I must also live out that truth. I must be willing to do the brave thing and speak about my dreams, speak about my purpose, speak about the things that will uplift my community and the Body of Believers. I must stand for hope. And I must not be silent. I must serve and must do so with excellence.
The Holy Spirit that lives in me helps me to excel. He teaches me how to love. He ushers me toward grace and compassion. He helps me to have personal convictions. He fortifies my faith. He energizes me so that I can run on and see what the next chapter is, and the chapter after that, and the chapter after that until I reach the end. At that blessed end, I’ll be able to say God I used all that you gave me. And my prayer is that I will hear well done. Friend today my prayer for you is the same. No matter what is going on around you; no matter what is happening in the political environment or in the economic environment,; no matter what is going on in social media; I pray that you get crystal clear about your purpose that you go after it relentlessly. And I pray that you run your race with integrity, finish strong and hear well done.
Peace be unto you Friend.