Thankful and Thriving: Cultivating a Life of Peace

Thankful and Thriving: Cultivating a Life of Peace November 30, 2024

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with thankfulness, not just coffee!

Last week I wrote about my soul being anchored in the Lord. This week God had me take the notion further as I shared specific gratitude points in my daily Facebook Live broadcast. By the way it’s called Noon Day Praise and I’d love for you to check it out. I didn’t necessarily realize it at the time, but last week’s blog post and this week’s ministry moments in Noon Day Praise tied together quite well. So, I want to expand and share a little more here.

My Mind.
I am so grateful that God kept my mind. I’ve shared here before that over the course of my journey through respiratory and heart failure I experienced extended periods of time when my brain was not getting proper oxygen. That led to hypoxia which is textbook psychosis. I’m telling you I was not right in the head y’all. My family members have recounted to me tales of my lack of mental stability during that time. They said I would speak in a way that they knew something was wrong. Sentences were not clear, thoughts were not fully developed. Looking back that was a very scary time not just for physical reasons, but for mental reasons as well. It is only by the power of the Holy Ghost that I did not have a complete mental breakdown. So I thank God everyday for peace of mind. I thank God for fully formed thoughts and sentences today. I thank God that I am able to use my platform to share motivation, inspiration, and revelation.

My Family.
Throughout my life I’ve had a close-knit circle of friends and in times before an even closer knit family. I consider that a safety net that keeps me from falling too far or too low. The family I speak of is composed of both blood relatives and chosen individuals that I have drawn close to me. I am over-the-moon grateful for these folks. I am grateful that I can call and process through situations that may be circling around in my brain. I can simply text and say “I need prayer,” and more often than not these folks reach out to me before I can even accurately express what I’m feeling. That is a BIG DEAL and I consider it a great blessing. To be able to go through life with real emotional support is nothing short of miraculous. To have individuals that will listen and not look at you as if your skin has turned green and you have grown and extra set of eyes and arms is so affirming. To have people who trust God like you and want to see you experience God’s best and will pray as such is top tier. There’s peace in that and I can’t help but to thank God.

God’s Love.
Now this part may sound silly, but I made a brand new spiritual connection this week with the understanding of God’s love. I understand and appreciate that in God’s love for the world He sent his son Jesus to hang, bleed, and die on the cross. I know that Jesus paid my sin debt through His death and resurrected once the ransom was received. I am grateful for all that salvation has brought me and I’m learning everyday that there’s so much more included in that package. And this week I came to a clear and touching understanding that everything that God has done in every situation or challenge that He has brought me through has been because of His love for me. Real love. That is, quite frankly, mind-blowing. I sit here living and breathing and talking and typing because of God’s love. I have a wonderful husband because of God’s love. I laid down in peace and woke up in safety because of God’s love. The peace I feel as a result is beyond my understanding. Now I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing God how much I love Him.

I want to show you some love too. I appreciate you reading this and I’m sending you a big hug if you take a moment to share this with someone else. Please comment below: What are some of the things that you are thankful for on today?

Peace be unto you Friend.

About Artisha T. Bolding
Artisha T. Bolding is an Empowerment Coach and the best-selling author of The Patient Is Wearing Lipstick. Artisha's near-death experience launched her business and ministry in a direction she never imagined. With over a decade of experience as a trainer and mentor, she provides unique insight to build legacies of health, wealth, and wisdom for the next generation. Artisha believes wholeheartedly in living full and dying empty. She motivates women and entrepreneurs to birth their dreams into reality through transformational coaching. She is also loving wife and mother to two beautiful fur babies. You can read more about the author here.

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