Anchor Your Soul: How to Hold On in the Storm

Anchor Your Soul: How to Hold On in the Storm November 23, 2024

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with realness, not just coffee!

I have also been filling my cup with lots of self care, yummy treats, and rest. Which is why you haven’t heard from me here in a few weeks. I took some time off for my birthday and to keep it all the way real, I needed some time to love on me given the state of affairs in our country. I won’t get into that, but I will say that I am ever grateful for my safety net who can encourage me and help shift my mindset when folks out of my reach and folks making decisions on my behalf begin to weigh on me.

Over the last few days I’ve been thinking more about my soul. The soul is made up of your mind, will, emotions, and intellect. My soul has been anchored in the Lord. That’s not just a song for me, that is the reality. I cannot allow what is happening in the news and on social media to dictate my emotions. I cannot allow trauma and drama to cloud my intellect and what I know to be true. I must keep my mind set on things that are purposeful, things that are fulfilling, and things that bring me joy. It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that I can do that. And if you’re anything like me then you can find yourself in seasons of delay and distraction when you are not intentional about your thoughts and your actions. But you have to anchor your soul. Don’t let it get carried away in the storm.

I look around me, even at people that I love, and I realize that they are functioning on autopilot. They drive the same way into work everyday; they watch the same shows. They are very routine and mundane in their everyday life. And while I too am a creature of habit, I am always intentional to not allow myself to get stuck in a rut. For me sometimes that means purposely taking a different route when I’m driving in my car. That may also mean purposely changing up the menu of things that I eat. Because what I realized is what happens on the micro level always ties into the bigger picture. I have to train my brain to expect the unexpected. I have to spend time quietly with God allowing Him to shift me into newness.

My Dad taught me that God uses natural things to make spiritual things make sense. So I invite God into my natural so that I can see the supernatural and my spiritual muscles and faith get a workout. And no that’s not always in the four walls of the church, it’s not always when I am facilitating, teaching, or ministering. Sometimes it’s in the small things like trying a new snack, preparing dinner with a new side dish or new seasonings. Sometimes it’s selecting a different show on my streaming service. You would be surprised how small adjustments make a big difference in your mindset.

It’s that difference that can shift you to the highest and most joyous seasons of your life. My prayer for you today is that you take an honest look at your life your behaviors and your routines. Decide that you don’t have to settle for what you’ve always had. Makeup your mind that you can seek something better for yourself. May you hold on to hope. May you find joy. May you experience love. May you soar.

Peace be unto you Friend.

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