He’s The Man

He’s The Man January 14, 2024

I feel like what I’m about share here is long overdue. And the things that my pastor and the praise team leader at my church has been saying all year confirms it. It is time for us Believers to get back to pure adoration and appreciation for The Man that has proven Himself over and over again. Especially at the top of this bright beautiful New Year we all need to understand the importance of acknowledging Christ for who He is. Some of this of course has been baked into my previous writing, but I want to call it out specifically today.

Jesus is The Man!! Back in the 90s when I was growing up that was a huge compliment, especially in urban settings. And today I took a moment to meditate on Jesus who walked the Earth for 33 years as fully God and fully man. He humbled himself to His assignment and he remained obedient. He knew no sin and He took on your sins and mine along with all of the sins of the world. He was completely innocent yet never defended himself just for you and me. He died a sinner’s death so that you and I could live full, so that we could be free. The Man died so we could become the very best versions of ourselves.

Jesus did all that so we could become an expression of God in the Earth. We cannot do that living a hellish lifestyle.

But he didn’t just stop at the dying; He didn’t even stop at resurrection. He sent us a Comforter who guides us, teaches us and puts us in remembrance of the Holy Scripture which is the blueprint for our lives. Jesus is not only mighty and strong, but He is faithful and kind. He gave us His Holy Spirit so that our purpose could be revealed to us personally. He never meant for us to simply survive. He always intended for us to thrive. Everything that we need Jesus to be He already is. Along with God the Father and God’s Holy Spirit.

Here are just a few of His promises that I praise and worship Him for:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

It is in Him that I live, move, and have my being.

I’m blessed in and out of season.

I’m blessed in and out of town.

My family is blessed.

Everything attached to me wins.

I have peace that makes no sense.

Everything that’s in the Lord’s will is going to manifest for me.

I don’t have to rely on my own strength.

I’m completely confident in Him.

He’s never let me down.

He’s never lost a battle.

I don’t have to fight alone.

He’s my protector.

He’s my provider.

I have everything I need.

I lack no good thing.

He’s the author and finisher of my faith.

He’s true to His word.

He cannot lie.

He will never leave me.

He will never forsake me.

I put my faith in Jesus.

He is the immovable, infallable, never failing, holy matchless One.


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