September 27, 2024

The Bible is filled with comforting scriptures to see us through any situation we face. After all, the Bible contains the very words that God spoke and were then written down for all of us. Because the Lord is loving and kind and in control of everything, He gave us His Word to cling to, especially in hard times. The Biblical scriptures that bring comfort to me, are the promises that God has made – and God ALWAYS keeps His... Read more

September 26, 2024

Of all the sacred religious texts that exist, there is only one that is the true inspired word of God. This means that the Bible is the only book where God Himself provided the words. God dictated what He wanted to be written, and through the power of the Holy Spirit the writers wrote it down. For this reason, along with many others, there are several benefits of reading the Bible every day. God’s Own Words Are Scripture The Apostle... Read more

September 21, 2024

To “revive” means to bring something back to life. The act of reviving is called “revival” and refers to possessing a renewed interest in or having an awakening of interest in something. It is most often associated with the movement of a group of people who make the decision to rededicate or to turn their lives over to the Lord. Today we will look at the Keys to Biblical Revival. We will also highlight why revival is needed and what... Read more

September 18, 2024

With all the turmoil America is going through today, one could argue that we are indeed under the judgement of God. Typically, when we think of God’s judgement coming upon a nation, we think of the Great Flood (Genesis 6-7), fire and brimstone raining down on Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19: 24-25) or the 10 plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-11). However, there are some not-so-obvious forms of judgement that nations will face when they turn their backs on the Lord.... Read more

September 10, 2024

We all want peace – peace in our hearts, peace of mind, peace in our families and peace all around us. The problem is that we live in a fallen and sinful world where “peace” – as the world defines it – will never fully be a reality. In this sinful, fallen world we have the opposite of peace – confusion, chaos, anxiety, and fear – living in the hearts of many people. First Corinthians 14:33 tells us: “For God... Read more

September 6, 2024

I’m sure you’ve heard people talk about “living in the light.” You have to admit, it sounds like a positive way to live. I would think that most people would desire to live in the light when the alternative is to live in darkness. Maybe you have some questions regarding this statement, like: “What does the word “light” refer to?” or “What does it mean to ‘Live in the Light’?” Let’s explore these questions and look at seven ways in... Read more

August 29, 2024

On the sixth day God created man in His own image. It was the final day of creation, and the Lord had saved His greatest creation for last. Man was placed in a beautiful garden where God Himself walked with him. Adam and Eve were provided everything possible that they could ever want or need (Genesis 1:26-31). God’s instructions to Adam were to “be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it,” as well as giving him dominion over... Read more

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