Tuesday Testimony: Jesus Loves & Accepts Us Where We Are

Tuesday Testimony: Jesus Loves & Accepts Us Where We Are February 4, 2025

The world will let us down. The people we love will let us down. In fact, the people we look to for validation and acceptance are sometimes the ones who make us feel the most isolated. We cannot look to the things (and people) of this world to fill our hearts with love and acceptance. It is Jesus who loves us & accepts us right where we are.

Jesus Loves Us and Accepts Us Right Where We Are
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The following testimony touches my heart immensely. It’s the story of one of my dear sisters in Christ. Alyson is the youngest member of my Women’s Bible Study Group. She is young enough to be my daughter and an absolute blessing to me. She loves Jesus and her beautiful young family. Alyson’s story of meeting Jesus is an inspiration to all young women out there who are trying to figure out their lives without Him.

Alyson grew up in a household with no exposure to Christianity. Her family rarely talked about God and almost never prayed unless her great grandma was present. For 18 years Alyson lived without being introduced to Jesus, but when she met Him, everything changed.

(To Read Tuesday Testimony: In the Midst of Grief God is There, Click Here)

Feelings of Falling Short

The bond that Alyson desired with her mother was not the one she received. Their relationship was lacking because her mother chose work over motherhood. Alyson was taken care of by a nanny who was there to wake the kids up and then put them to bed.

The love that Alyson received from her parents was very conditional. If she and her siblings did something well, they were praised and showered with love. However, if they did something “bad” or that fell below their parents’ standards, they were shunned and ignored. This treatment left Alyson feeling unloved and unwanted for most of her life.

Unfortunately, Alyson believed that she would never be able to live up to the standard her parents set for her. She felt as if she would never be good enough in the eyes of her mother. As a result, Alyson suffered from depression, panic attacks and disobedience.

Next Steps

At the age of 18, Alyson moved out of her parents’ house and began living a life completely entrenched in sin. She found herself working as a bartender at Hooters and trying to navigate a complicated relationship with a felon who was six years older than she was. This lifestyle left her feeling empty, sad and unloved.

Sadly, Alyson is not alone. Many people try to live their lives on their own. As a way of escaping childhood trauma, they find themselves in less than desirable situations and circumstances, wondering what they will become or how they will climb out of it. But then, just when all seems lost and hopeless, along comes the One who loves us unconditionally and meets us right where we are.

Along Comes Jesus

In August of 2021, Alyson’s sister asked her if she would like to attend a young adult ministry night with her and a friend from nursing school. Alyson abruptly said no and brushed it off. However, her sister persisted and continued inviting her. One particular meeting included free dinner, so Alyson agreed to go.

Alyson remembers that it was a Wednesday night and that the ministry served Chick-Fil-A for dinner. She felt extremely uncomfortable because the people around her were worshipping a God that she didn’t even believe in. She wanted to leave early.

Jesus Loves Us and Accepts Us
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Thankfully, Alyson decided to stay and listen to the sermon. Alyson states, “I am so glad I didn’t leave early because the sermon I heard changed everything.” The pastor talked about Jesus. He told the group (and Alyson) that Jesus accepts us and loves us without condition. The pastor also said that Jesus will save anyone, regardless of their sinful behavior.

You see, Jesus offers us a new beginning and a new start. He doesn’t care what our past looks like. He doesn’t ask us questions or make us feel bad about the things we’ve done. Simply put, Jesus loves us and accepts us right where we are, and He is waiting for us to ask Him into our hearts and lives.

Jesus Changes Our Lives

Alyson knows now that the message about Jesus was exactly what she needed to hear. In fact, I would guess that it was intended just for her! For most of her life she felt as if no one ever truly loved her. She always felt like she was a disappointment to those she sought approval from.

That night at the ministry meeting Alyson was struck with truth. Jesus always loved her, yet she didn’t even know Him. When she was introduced to Him, her spirit was moved. That very same night, Alyson received Jesus into her life. She asked Him to be her Lord and Savior and turned from her sin.

At the foot of the Cross
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“Jesus picked me up out of my life, showed me the love He has always had for me, and I will forever feel an overwhelming sense of thankfulness and gratitude for what He has done,” Alyson says.

Two weeks after being saved, Alyson met her now husband. They have two beautiful children. In August of 2024, in obedience to the Lord, Alyson was baptized at our church. Alyson prays that “God uses me and my family to grow and glorify His kingdom.”

Jesus Loves Us & Accepts Us Right Where We Are

I pray that Alyson’s testimony touches your heart as it does mine. All of our stories may not be exactly the same, but before Jesus comes along, we are all in the same boat – sinners who need a Savior. Romans 3:23 tells us that “…all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

If you are struggling, wrapped up in a sin you cannot escape from, feeling unloved or unwanted, Jesus is there. No matter what situation you’re in or what you may have done, Jesus loves you. You do not have to live your life any longer on your own without purpose or direction.

In John 15:13 Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Jesus loves us so much that He DID just that. He gave up His life for us – ALL of us. There is never a wrong time to call on Jesus. Again, our past does not matter; Jesus loves us and accepts us right where we are, unconditionally.

(To Learn More About Salvation Through Jesus Christ, Click Here)

(If you have a testimony that you’d like to share, click here)



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