September 26, 2023

The beauty industry is a multi-billion one. We use products and accessories daily to put forth our best appearance.  Indeed, as God says, man looks on the outward appearance. But there is something more important than outward beauty and it withstands the test of time.  It is the true beauty that we are to seek and cultivate. Of beauty, God’s word says it is fleeting.  We are encouraged to build up and adorn the person on the inside. It even... Read more

September 19, 2023

Have you considered your prayer life recently? Has it become perfunctory and with half-hearted effort at expectant times of the day? What about the subject of your prayers? Are you really pouring your heart out to God and expressing gratitude for what He is doing both seen and unseen? Prayer is an important part of our relationship with God.  It is our means of communication with Him. It is an active expression of faith that God exists and that He... Read more

September 12, 2023

What is success and what makes a successful life?  Certainly not having to look back on our younger years with regret. For the Christian, a successful life is measured and defined differently.  Rather than outward trappings alone, a Christian’s life is measured by their wealth towards God.    That was the advice given by Jesus Christ when looking at the life of a man who was rich in material prosperity, but did not know that his life would end suddenly and... Read more

September 5, 2023

God has holidays too or holy days. Instituted and commanded biblically at Rosh Hashanah means head of the year. Biblically it is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles. It commemorates the Jewish New Year which is also the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve. It is also a day of judgement and coronation of God as King. It is celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur. This year it will be celebrated on September 15th to September 17th... Read more

August 28, 2023

Most religions espouse a peaceful mindset and a moral code. Some even espouse an afterlife or paradise with God. What sets Christianity apart from other religions? Its central figure-Jesus Christ. Though he continues to be rejected by some, his words indicate that without him there is no way of salvation or true relationship with God. There would be no basis to call oneself a Christian. Jesus Christ is distinguished from being simply a good man who walked the earth or... Read more

August 21, 2023

Your Christian walk involves more than weekly church attendance. It is more than refraining from certain sins. It involves a mindset that calls for trust and awareness.  This is part of the principle of Mindfulness. Mindfulness is used both spiritually and in everyday life as a psychological intervention. It is the awareness of one’s inner state (feelings, thoughts) as well as present outer realities. Mindfulness involves conscious effort and awareness in one’s choices and actions. It isn’t something that Christians... Read more

August 15, 2023

The art of rest is something that can benefit Christians.  It is something that was instituted by God at the end of His creative efforts and a regular part of Jesus life.  Resting allows us to step back from our efforts  and rejuvenate our minds and bodies. It affords us time with God, family, and our religious community.  But why did God institute rest? On the Seventh Day of the Creative Cycle, God rested. For the Israelites, He also commanded... Read more

August 7, 2023

The word religion can incur the ire of many in this generation. Recent studies indicate that most are moving away from religion and either giving up faith in God, not passing down traditional beliefs to their children, or forming their own brand of spirituality. Religion as a bedrock of society, however, is important and you may want to reconsider if it should have a place in your life. The term religion is an umbrella one from which all the world’s... Read more

July 31, 2023

Prayer is a super power. It can bring about healing. It can uncover solutions to distressing issues. It can coordinate events in our lives that benefit us. Prayer is perhaps one of the most widely held practices across religious denominations and faiths. People are often willing to prayer regardless of lifestyle choice but perplexed on how to pray successfully. We should first consider what prayer is. Prayer is direct communication with the divine. It is not meditation. It is not... Read more

July 24, 2023

Have you wondered what is God’s purpose for women in society?  For those who believe in creation history, it may seem that the feminine gender was an afterthought of God. Yet, God makes it clear that, while Eve was created to assist Adam in his duties outlined at Genesis 1:26,27, she had specific attributes and capabilities that would allow her success in being able to fulfill her place in God’s family. Women were not created inferior to men.  Our roles... Read more

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