A Big Hello to My Younger Readers!

A Big Hello to My Younger Readers! August 11, 2004

On Sunday morning, there I was sitting and chatting with my beloved church family, when nine-year-old Amy Lind looked at me and said, “You write a blog, don’t you?”

I was a bit stunned. I said, “Yes, as a matter of fact I do.”

“I thought so,” she said. “I was reading it the other day.” She looked very thoughtful and serious for a few moments, and added, “I really want to go see The Story of the Weeping Camel.”

Indeed! She has been reading my blog!


Thanks for reading my blog! And thanks for refreshing my memory about an important reality: Stuff that gets written on the Internet is available for everyone, and if you blog or run a Web page, you never know who might be reading it.

But Amy, since you’re reading this, I do have a message for you. The Story of the Weeping Camel is indeed a wonderful movie. But there is a scene near the beginning that might make you a little uncomfortable. The pregnant mother camel has some trouble when her baby is born. When the baby camel is born, his mother finds it difficult to finish the process. So he’s kind of… stuck… and it is not a pretty sight. (Espeically when the mother camel stands up and starts walking around.)

So you might want to talk to your parents before you go see The Story of the Weeping Camel. They might want to check it out first. I wouldn’t want you to see anything that would give you nightmares.

But then again, you’re a big fan of The Lord of the Rings movies, right? So you’ve seen scarier things….

Anyway, it’s nice to know you’re checking up on me. You’ve got a wonderful family, and I look forward to seeing all of you every Sunday morning. May God bless you this week.


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