Film Forum is Up… Thanks to Chattaway

Film Forum is Up… Thanks to Chattaway August 6, 2005

Still basking in the greatness of the Glen Workshop. Just had tearful goodbyes with several of the fiction writers with whom I formed strong bonds this week. Things are wrapping up in a hurry now. Sigh. I could live with this community, and it would bear many resemblances to my idea of heaven.

Just another “I can’t quite believe this” moment: As I sit here in the St. John’s library typing this out, the man sitting at the computer right next to me is the acclaimed poet Paul Mariani. Wow.

Here’s a big thank you to Peter T. Chattaway for doing a bang-up job with Christianity Today Movies’ Film Forum column this week. Nice work, Peter. I’m glad to know I’m not missing anything by skipping Stealth, but man… I gotta see Murderball.

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