I’m in Bellingham!

I’m in Bellingham! February 19, 2007

In about an hour, I’ll be at Luci Shaw’s arts-and-faith gathering, Open Windows, to talk to them about my experience reviewing films and writing Through a Screen Darkly. It’s a privilege to be invited to speak there, since I’ve learned so much from Luci and her husband John. I’m still an apprentice here.

My Internet access here is intermittent, so forgive me if I’m slow in moderating comments to the blog today. I’m having a tough time finding places with a good signal.

I’m looking forward to a friendly gathering of Christians dicussing the challenges of arts and faith. If you read this, please pray that I can set all other matters aside and focus on sharing what I have learned. I’m feeling weary and sad at having had to put aside my other assignments this weekend to focus on answering false claims. And the thing is, my Christian perpsective on art is nothing new . . . it’s all stuff I’ve learned from Lewis, Tolkien, O’Connor, L’Engle, Percy, Buechner, and, yes, Luci Shaw. I still have a lot to learn, but those folks have drawn me closer to God with insight and truth, and I get emotional when I step up to defend them (in my own rambling, apprentice fashion). Anyway, your prayers are appreciated.

And if you’re coming to the event tonight, great! I look forward to seeing you there! (Are you coming, Peter?)

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