Peter Chattaway on “Bridge to Terabithia”

Peter Chattaway on “Bridge to Terabithia” February 17, 2007

Peter T. Chattaway, who recently reviewed The Last Sin Eater, has just reviewed a film by Christian author Katherine Paterson, the latest literary adaptation by Walden Media.

He gives it three stars, and shares his perspective, which comes with the added advantage of his thorough familiarity with the novel.

Turns out the book is one of his childhood favorites. It’s interesting to see his take on the film.

Despite its flaws, Bridge to Terabithia is a decent adaptation of Paterson’s novel, and at times it is quite moving. I say this, incidentally, as a long-time fan of the book who bought a copy with my paper-route money after my teacher read it to our class a quarter-century ago. There are plenty of things the filmmakers could have done differently, but on a certain primal level, this film gets much of the story right.

It’s also interesting to read his interview with the author, Katherine Paterson, who talks about how her faith manifests itself in her art.

Great work, Peter!

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