Where’s Auralia today?

Where’s Auralia today? July 4, 2007

I just spent the evening writing a scene in which two of my favorite characters meet in a hand-to-hand struggle that lasts almost ten pages.

This is a turning point in Cyndere’s Midnight, the sequel to Auralia’s Colors, which I’m turning in to the publisher next week.

In the meantime, I’m starting to hear from folks who are reading Chapter One of Auralia’s Colors, which is now available for download.

When I hear from those who have read it, I’m excerpting my favorite responses and plugging them into Auralia’s blog in a series called “Where’s Auralia Today?”

If you read it, send me an email. Let me know who you are. Tell me where you were when you read it, so I can track Auralia’s progress around the map. If it reminds you of anything — another story, another writer, anything — let me know. If it sparks any questions, let me know. Maybe I’ll use your response as the next installment in “Where’s Auralia Today?”

I’m having fun talking with Auralia readers… and the book isn’t even out yet. If you’re a fantasy buff, I can’t wait to see what you think of it.

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